Monday, August 27, 2007

Losing my Bloginity

I was a virgin blogger. Now with these words I've lost my virginity or should I say bloginity. The concept of blogging has fascinated me for a while now partly because it's such a democratic process, but more for the fact that I was falling behind everyone else. It seemed like it was a secret world which I was too blind to enter. I was looking up to see what the best way was to get started. It seemed to complicate things a little more that it should. But luckily I chanced upon this site while trying to track down a former friend's blog. Though I spend a lot of time on the net, most of it is spend reading. But this is so much more of an active process. Let's hope I get addicted to it quickly.


Jenny said...

Hi Akash,
I started Blogging pretty much the same way....out of much curiosity about what I was missing. And I was pleasantly surprised to find how easily it connects people who share interests.
Talking about interests, do look up Google Reader - you can read entire books off it, share them with friends and bookmark your favourite sites and keep updating your reading. I plan to do more of that...

Akash Shah said...

Hello Jenny! Will definitely check out the reader. where did you get it from? btw, do leave comments on some of my other entries if you find a couple interesting.