Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The "Rentiyo-Generator" would have saved the Congress Truckloads of Cash

A close family friend and former NASA researcher, Gautam Patel, combined an old tape deck motor with a charkha or spinning wheel to create electricity. As you spin the wheel, electricity is generated and the circuit board glows with light (I couldn't capture it in my photo unfortunately). If the Congress party leaders had seen Gautam's contraption, christened, "The Rentiyo-Generator,"and believed in the applications of Gandhiji's apparently outdated self-sufficiency ideology a little earlier, they could have avoided today's "Trust Vote" and saved truck loads of cash used to buy-out wavering politicians. There are alternatives to Nuclear Energy, my dear. Imagine loads of people spinning charkhas and generating electricity - surreal or what. The charkha in the photo was used by Gautam's aunt Maniben to make cloth. And she had load of it; enough to make new clothes for her entire family.

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