If you are an economist-cowboy riding through the Lonvala one-horse-town market, your brain cells will go into overdrive as you notice that on both sides of the street are shops of various sizes but with the same name, Maganlal Chikki and that too, in the same font and design. Professor Landsberg, my economics teacher in college, would have a field day here. I won't be surprised if The Economics of Maganlal Chikki, would outsell his current bestseller, The Economics of Sex (at least amongst his economist buddies, if not among Lonavalites).
For those connoisseurs of chikki and fudge who were introduced to these sweetmeats in their childhood, would agree that they don't make 'em like they used to. But such discerning sweet lovers are in short supply.
What's behind this Maganlal Chikki Phenomenon? The other twist to this mystery is that fact that most of Maganlal Chikki stores have the words, "Best And Original" above their name. If the name is not copyrighted, many shop owners can use it without any legal complications. But why Maganlal Chikki? Why not A-1 or the other names that are now minorites? What made Maganlal Chikki the brand of choice?
One theory propounded by a learned architect friend is that Maganlal Chikki is a franchise. Great idea. But we come to same question, what makes Maganlal Chikki the brand of choice? Anyone know where to start?
hi, i think that if you collect just the 2-3 extraordinary postings and photos here, and keep making more such, it could be the basis of a book on weird wonderful new India.
I'm intrigued to find out what is happenning here. When you are in Bombay next may be we can go to Lonavala and ask some questions.
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